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Sean Tait

Let's Get Functional

Sean Tait Ironman 70.3

Another Ironman 70.3 done and dusted! I never had a horrible day at all. I took the swim easy and biked a bit within myself. When I got a third of the way into the run I could feel that the accumulation of the day's exercise was starting to take a toll. It did feel really tough but I was able to sustain my effort and even lift it in the last 5kms to the finish line. All in all, I ended up two minutes away from my PB. It was a glimpse that I do have the potential to do significantly better if I want to go back there one day. It is a great event - It's a privilege to be a part of and I did end up doing my best, or close enough to it, on the day.

Now it's time to really dig into the African X training. Up until now I've just been getting out on the trail, familiarizing my body with the terrain and enjoying the variety of surfaces and sights that a trail run throws at you. Now it's time to get a bit more specific. I'm going to be hooking up with Trevor for some runs 1-2 times per week, and getting out on my own the rest of the time. I will be running 5-6 days per week.

"I'm a big believer in training to time and not distance, especially on the trail."

I have thrown some road events into the mix. I will do Peninsula Marathon in mid-Feb and be making my debut in the Two Oceans Ultra Marathon. I'm looking for these events to provide some variety, but also a good training day on harder surfaces, which will toughen my legs up. I will not be getting out onto the road for my long runs, but I will be doing some of my recovery runs on the road.

I'm a big believer in training to time and not distance, especially on the trail. So I won't be getting to fixated on mileage. I will also pay close attention to accumulative elevation gain in my training runs to make sure that I'm hitting the targets that the race demands.

I'm exactly three months away so this is the perfect time to start going from a more aspecific style of training to more functional training.

Don't forget to follow me on instagram to catch my daily posts on my #journey2AfricanX

Check you on the flip side


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